
Your daughter's behaviour in class is unacceptable. = A lányuk órán tanúsított magatartása elfogadhatatlan.

magatartás jelentese magyarul

magatartás angolul

magatartás jelentése kifejezésekben

• about-face
• collateral behaviour
• port
• soldierly bearing
• passiveness, passivity
• toughness
• defensive attitude
• repulsiveness
• toughness
• aplomb
• aloofness, unresponsiveness
• ungratefulness
• air of patronage
• ungratefulness
• air of patronage
• as stiff as a poker, to be as stiff as a poker
• courtly
• as stiff as a poker, to be as stiff as a poker
• courtly
• his behaviour up to till now shows that