
• levesz ruhát: take off, pull off
• levesz valamit valahonnan: take down
• eltávolít: remove, take out, get rid of
The guest took off his shoes. = A vendég levette a cipőjét.

levesz jelentése kifejezésekben

• to unburden
• to cajole
• to cancel
• to relieve sy of sg
• to get round sy
• to take sy off his legs
• to unstring, unstrung
• to unblindfold
• to uncloak
• to unstrap
• to unmask
• to unhook
• to delist
• to unmuffle
• to unmuzzle
• to unmuffle
• to unmuffle
• to unmuffle
• to unsheathe
• to exonerate from an obligation
• to take sy in with fine words