
• step, tread, spleen
Hardy stepped inside. = Hardy belépett.
• spleen, milt
• méhészetben: honeycomb

lép jelentese magyarul

lép angolul

lép jelentése kifejezésekben

• to take a step
• comb
• to make a move, to move
• honeycomb
• to sidestep
• to go on
• to ascend the throne
• to take effect
• to become conspicuous, to come into prominence, to come into the limelight, to come to the fore, to come to the front, to take over
• to become operative, to come into effect, to come into force, to take effect
• to make great strides
• to mount the scaffold
• to come into action, to come into play
• to take the stand
• to nuptialize, to wed
• to coalesce
• to come out
• to take up one's duties
• to give place, to make place
• to go into the legal profession
• to contact, to get in touch with, to get in touch with sy or sg, to make contact