
The robber forced the clerk to give him all the cash. = A rabló arra kényszerítette a hivatalnokot, hogy minden készpénzt neki adjon.

kényszerít jelentese magyarul

kényszerít angolul

kényszerít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to force sy into doing sg
• to hold sy to sg, to make sy do sg, to will sy into doing sg
• to force to do sg
• to sandbag
• to bring to terms
• to force sy into doing sg
• to bring to bay
• to bring to heels, to get on the knees
• to bully sy into doing sg
• to bay
• to silence
• to down
• to keep at bay
• to confine
• to outface
• to give pause to sy
• to bully sy into doing sg
• to give pause to sy
• dire necessity compels me to
• to bring sy to account
• to outface