
• komoly természetű: serious, stern, sober, thoughtful, sober-minded
• betegség, helyzet: serious, severe, grave, acute
My father is a serious man. = Az apám komoly ember.

komoly jelentése kifejezésekben

• earnest tone
• sobersides
• to be no mean scholar
• round sum
• sincere intention
• to keep a straight face
• to look grave
• to run sy close, to run sy hard
• in dead earnest
• bona fide, earnestly, gravely, in earnest, severely, sincerely, solemnly, thoughtfully
• more serious
• no kid!
• earnestness, seriousness, severity, solemnity, staidness, thoughtfulness
• airy, flippant, frivolous
• to pull a long face, to wear a long face
• airily, flippantly
• flippancy, frivolity, levity, trifling
• to be in earnest
• are you in earnest?
• I mean it!
• he is in real earnest, to be in earnest