
• kiállít: display, exhibit
The tenant was turned out for not paying the rental fee. = A bérlőt kitették, mert nem fizette a bérleti díjat.

kitesz jelentése kifejezésekben

• to expose to sg, to hold up, to subject, to subject to sg
• to sun
• to come out at, to run to, to total up to
• to unhouse
• to add up to sg, to come to
• to sun
• to take sg out of sg
• to give sy a run
• to wind
• to run to
• to tot up
• to foot up
• to weather
• to aggregate
• to number
• to maroon
• to maroon
• to get a run, to get the spear
• to expose oneself to sg, to incur
• to get the sack
• to send sy to the right-about, to turn sy out of doors