
Let's postpone the date of the meeting. = Toljuk ki a találkozó időpontját.

kitől jelentése kifejezésekben

• to go in fear of sy
• to fear, to go in fear of sy
• to fink out on sy
• to be heir to sy
• to part company with sy
• to begrudge
• to hear from sy
• to pray sy for sg
• to become estranged from sy
• to bid farewell to sy, to part company with sy, to take leave of sy, to take one's farewell of sy
• to snatch sg away from sy
• to conjure sg away from sy, to relieve sy of sg
• to rive sg from sy
• to expect sg from sy
• to conjure sg away from sy
• to juggle sg out of sy, to swindle sg out of sy
• to jockey sy out of sg
• to ask sy a question, to ask sy sg
• to descend from
• to hear from sy
• to see the back of sy, to see the last of sy