

kitör jelentese magyarul

kitör angolul

kitör jelentése kifejezésekben

• to balk
• to flame out
• to break cover
• to laugh outright
• to restart
• to flare
• effusive, exuberant, flaming
• burst, bursting, explosion, extrusion, gust, outbreak, outburst, paroxysm, sally, shooting, shy
• to blot, to blot out, to cancel, to disfigure, to efface, to excise, to obliterate, to raze, to rule out, to strike out, to wipe out
• exultantly, exultingly
• obliteration, wipe-out
• exuberance of joy
• effaceable
• rollicking laughter
• rollick
• indelible
• to lunge
• indelibly
• lunge
• to thank sy effusively
• blaze of anger, ebullition of anger, fireworks, outbreak of temper, passion