
I've seen through Daniel. = Kiismertem Danielt.

kiismer jelentése kifejezésekben

• to find sy out, to get on to sy, to get to know sy
• to find one's bearings, to find one's way about, to get one's bearings, to know one's way about
• to get sy's number, to take sy's number
• breast, conscience
• conscientious, earnest, painstaking, religious, scrupulous
• unprincipled, unscrupulous
• people are beginning to get on to him
• religiously
• elastic conscience, large conscience
• exactitude
• conscience-smitt
• still small voice
• unprincipledness
• guilty conscience
• still small voice
• clear conscience
• worm of conscience
• compunction, pricks of conscience, scruple, twinge of conscience, twitch of conscience
• conscientious scruple
• worm of conscience
• to begin to feel to one's feet, to find one's bearings, to get one's bearings