
• kívülről jövő kötelezettség: have to
• belső, erkölcsi kötelezettség: must
I have to be at the doctor's by 9 am. = 9-re az orvosnál kell lennem.

kell jelentése kifejezésekben

• there must be sg in it
• if necessary, in case of necessity
• I am to go, I must go, I've got to go, I've to go
• we must be jogging along, we must be jogging on
• there is no need for sg
• ad-lib
• mention must be made
• I must be home
• it must be admitted that
• you'll have to spring a bit
• I wish for it to be done, I wish it to be done
• we must be jogging along
• you'll have to spring a bit
• that's more than enough
• perfect scream
• you need not wait long, you needn't wait long
• whisky is an acquired taste
• there's no fear of rain
• coffee ought to be drunk hot
• I needn't say more
• to behave as one ought