

kegy jelentese magyarul

kegy angolul

kegy jelentése kifejezésekben

• act of grace
• propitiation
• benignant, gracious, large, pious, propitious
• clemency, grace, mercy, quarter
• piety
• atrocious, barbarous, brutish, cruel, fell, felon, ferocious, grim, hard, inhuman, ruthless, sanguinary, savage, scathing, unkind, unmerciful, wolfish
• quarter
• propitiatory
• to give quarter
• atrociousness, atrocity, barbarism, barbarity, brutality, brutishness, cruelty, ferocity, inhumanity, savageness, savagery, unkindness
• coup de gráce, finisher, sockdolager
• brute, savage
• grim wolf
• charitable trust
• our gracious queen
• slam
• ogress
• to be in sy's good book, to be in sy's good grace
• to gain the good graces of sy
• to be disgraced, to get disgraced
• in a state of grace