
• bind, knit, work, tie
• lace, wreathe
• könyvet köt: bind a book
• fon: weave
• szövetséget: conclude an alliance
• feltételhez köt: make a condition
My grandma is always knitting. = A nagymamám mindig köt.

köt jelentese magyarul

köt angolul

köt jelentése kifejezésekben

• to take, took, taken
• to truss
• to tether
• to lay up
• to bundle
• to tie
• to picket, to stake
• to wad
• to bundle
• to contract, to enter into a contract
• to effect an insurance, to take out a policy, to take out an insurance policy, to underwrite a policy
• to wreathe a garland of flowers
• to make a bargain with sy, to strike a bargain with sy
• to contract
• to make a bargain with sy, to strike a bargain with sy
• to marry money
• to lay off a risk
• to barter
• to make a Flemish coil
• knitter, tier
• tome, volume