
• betegség jele: symptom, sign
• jelzés: sign, signal, indication, mark
What does that sign mean? = Mit jelent az a jelzés?

jel jelentese magyarul

jel angolul

jel jelentése kifejezésekben

• short and
• giveaway
• input
• clear indication
• rune
• this is a bad indication
• accidental
• quantity, quantity mark
• arrowhead
• positive sign
• clear indication
• clew, clue
• line-up mark
• line-up mark
• now, present
• illustrious, outstanding
• to denote, to indicate, to mark, to peg, to read, read, to record, to register, to sign, to signal, to signify, to testify
• attribute, epithet, modality, signal
• to name, to nominate, to put in, to sign
• to sign, to signal
• present tense