
• időt, fokot: record
• a sebességet jelzi: indicate speed
• a kijelző az időt jelzi: the display shows the time
• az a hűvös pillantás közönyt jelzett: that cold gaze betokened indifference
The clock records the time. = Az óra jelzi az időt.

jelez jelentese magyarul

jelez angolul

jelez jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be indicative of sg, to shadow sg forth, to shadow sg out
• to strike eight bells
• to forebode, to forecast, to foreshadow, to foreshow, foreshowed, foreshown, to foretell, foretold, to foretoken, to herald, to omen, to portend, to presage, to prognosticate
• to waft
• to give the green light
• to bark at fault
• to nod
• the thermometer registers 37
• to tip sy the wink
• sgd.
• display
• locate
• to cipher, to cypher
• to decode
• cipher, ciphering
• coded
• to query
• decoding
• the clouds prognosticate a storm