
• előad: act, perform

játszik jelentese magyarul

játszik angolul

játszik jelentése kifejezésekben

• to play at
• to play fast and loose sy, to play fast and loose with sy, to play with
• to play for
• to play with, to toy with sg
• to play for
• to play sy at sg
• to play upon
• to play on
• to act the part of sg, to do a part
• to reissue, to replay
• to romp
• to touch the strings
• to play on, to play upon
• to play at keeping shop, to play at shop
• to play in a film
• to game, to play for money
• to pick a banjo
• to jazz
• to play low
• to come up, to create a part, to fill a part, to masquerade, to play a part, to play a role
• to play a sure game, to sit on the splice