
The children are really working hard. = A gyerekek nagyon igyekeznek.

igyekszik jelentese magyarul

igyekszik angolul

igyekszik jelentése kifejezésekben

• to make for, to make towards a place
• to endeavor to do sg, to endeavour to do sg
• to be quick about sg, to be quick over sg
• to try after, to try for
• to temporize
• to try after, to try for
• to shit oneself to do sg, to tend to do sg
• to aim at doing sg, to aim to do sg
• to guess at sg
• to make a bid for sg
• to plead with sy to do sg
• to curry favour with sy
• to stand for
• to woo
• to emulate
• to lobby
• to be out for scalp
• to be bent on doing sg
• to play catch-up