
Here's an authentic copy of the document. = Íme a dokumentum hiteles másolata.

hiteles jelentese magyarul

hiteles angolul

hiteles jelentése kifejezésekben

• legal document
• trustworthy witness
• standard
• legal document
• certified copy, estreat, true copy
• estreat
• from a trustworthy source
• pukka gen
• records
• trustworthy witness
• genuinely
• to attest, to authenticate, to calibrate, to certify, to corroborate, to notarize, to seal, to test, to true, to true up
• accuracy, authenticity, genuineness, trustworthiness, truthfulness
• corroborant
• authentication, calibration, corroboration, legitimation, sealing, sizing, standardization
• normalized
• exemplified copy
• to authenticate
• sizing
• apocryphal
• to notarize