
• ábránd, kép: illusory, vain, illusive
a vain person = egy hiú személy

hiú jelentese magyarul

hiú angolul

hiú jelentése kifejezésekben

• dandified young man
• unreality
• prima donna
• to kid oneself
• to indulge in chimera
• vainly
• lynx
• pretence, self-respect, vainness, vanity
• ferret eyes
• to be frustrated, to come to nothing, to fail, to fall through, to fall to the ground, to miscarry, to misfire, to shatter, to turn out crabs
• to baffle, to balk, to blight, to bring to naught, to confute, to dash, to defeat, to disappoint, to disconcert, to foil, to frustrate, to maim, to mock, to shatter, to stultify, to thwart, to trip, to upset, upset
• baffled, blighted, frustrate, shattered, withered
• wrecking
• pique
• vainglory
• to be balked of one's desires
• to throw cold water on a scheme
• to blast hopes
• to pique
• to pique
• bobcat