• to jump on the bandwagon
• to square, to square away, to square off, to square one's elbows, to square one's shoulders, to square up to sy
• to square, to square one's elbows, to square one's shoulders
• to encamp, to nestle, to plant oneself, to seat oneself, to settle down, to snuggle down, to station oneself, to take one's stand, to take up a station, to take up position, to take up stand
• to resettle to an occupation
• to settle down, to take one's place, to take one's seat
• to settle oneself to sleep
• to hide, hid, to hide, hid, hidden
• to establish oneself in a job, to find a job, to find a place, to find a position, to find employment, to get a situation, to get one's bearings