
I went to the exam instead of him. = Elmentem helyette a vizsgára.
Mr Smith couldn't come; his wife is here on his behalf. = Mr Smith nem tudott eljönni;helyette itt van a felesége.

helyette jelentese magyarul

helyette angolul

helyette jelentése kifejezésekben

• instead of you
• in my stead
• acting, alternate, assistant, deputy, lieutenant, proxy, stand-in, sub, supply, surrogate, vicar, vicarious
• assistant
• deputative
• to deputize, to replace, to substitute, to supersede, to understudy
• substitute, vicarious
• vicariously
• replacement
• by deputy
• lieutenancy
• to arrange for a supply
• to act as deputy for sy, to act for sy, to do duty for sy, to stand in, to sub for sy, to substitute for sy, to supply for sy, to supply sy's place, to take over from sy
• stand-in
• acting manager
• expletive
• lieutenancy
• second in command
• expletive
• understudy
• to find a deputy