A helyé a címszó ragozott alakja.


• helység: place
• fizikai tér: room, space
• pont a térben: spot
Where's that place? = Hol van az a hely?
There isn't enough room for the sofa. = Nincs elég hely a kanapénak.

helyé jelentése kifejezésekben

• in the right place
• home
• to be at the bat
• apposite, appropriate, legitimate, pertinent, proper, right
• to supplant
• ship-shape, unmoved
• unmoved
• to tidy, to tidy up, to tidy, tidied
• to stick around
• proper word
• word in season
• to be game
• have a good head on one's shoulders, have a head on one's shoulders, his head is screwed on the right way, to keep one's wits about one
• have a glib tongue
• to screw a piece home
• to screw a piece home
• to shoot the bolt home
• home
• in sy's stead, in the stead of sy
• in the right place
• in sy's stead, in the stead of sy