
Waff suppressed his anger. = Waff visszafojtotta haragját.

harag jelentese magyarul

harag angolul

harag jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be bad blood between, to be ill blood between
• huff, pet
• cross, envious, indignant, irate, nettled, rough, testy, wrathful
• furious, ratty
• displeasedly, testily
• resentful, vindictive
• to tiff
• to glower, to look black, to look black as thunder
• displeasing
• hard words, high words
• to give vent to one's anger, to see red
• actuated by anger
• to be cross with sy
• to be displeased at, to be indignant at sg, to feel indignant at sg
• scowl
• to be in sy's black book
• in a blaze of anger
• to snort
• to be cross with sy
• to be indignant at sg, to feel indignant at sg
• hostile