
The musician tuned his guitar before the concert. = A zenész behangolta a gitárját a koncert előtt.

hangol jelentése kifejezésekben

• to put in tune
• to cast a gloom over sy
• to talk in one's boots
• to laugh out of sg
• tuned
• tuner
• aperiodic
• reading by sound
• wrest
• to tune
• to tune out
• to tune out
• it gives me the blues, to cast down, to deject, to disconcert, to distress, to get sy down, to hip, to hump, to unman
• to psych sy up
• untuned
• to elate, to key, to key up, to put in tune, to string, strung, to tone up, to tune, to tune up
• dejected, depressed, disconcerted, distressed, downcast, downhearted, have the hip, have the hump, low, overcast, to be in low spirits, to be in poor spirits, to be in the dumps, to be out of spirits, to desolate, to feel low
• depressing, depressive, disconcerting, dismal, distressing, trying
• adjustment, alignment, dial readings
• gloomily
• accommodate, reconcile