
• chase, pursue
Tom's chasing dreams. = Tom álmokat hajszol.

hajszol jelentese magyarul

hajszol angolul

hajszol jelentése kifejezésekben

• to emboss
• to emboss
• to drive sy to despair
• to bucket
• chase
• to ride hard
• to race about
• to race about
• hunt up
• to rush into
• to emboss, to hack, to jade, to override, -rode, -ridden, to override, overrode, overridden, to overwork, to wind
• overworked, to be hard driven
• fatigue-fever
• to race through, to railroad, to rush through
• to flog a willing horse
• to flog oneself, to overwork, to overwork oneself
• erotism
• I don't want to rush you
• to stampede sy into sg, to work into
• mental strain
• to rush a bill through