
• enyhén: parboil
• scald, mull
• gonosz tervet: hatch
• gonoszságot vagy cselt: contemplate, plot, plot mischief, plot revenge
• valamit forral: be up to something
• mit forral?: what is he hatching up?
He boiled up the water. = Felforralta a vizet.

forral jelentese magyarul

forral angolul

forral jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be up to some hanky-panky
• have designs on sy
• to brew mischief
• to hatch a plot
• to brood over scheemes of vengeance
• have designs on sy
• mulled
• scalding
• to hatch
• to boil, to bring to boil, to scald, to seethe, to warm
• water back, water heater
• scald
• scalding
• chafing-dish, chafing-pan
• revaporize
• immersion heater
• to semaphore
• water back