
• patak, folyó: source
• információ forrása: source, origin, document
What's the source of your information? = Mi az információd forrása?

forrás jelentese magyarul

forrás angolul

forrás jelentése kifejezésekben

• the spring has run dry
• good source
• simmer, simmering
• authority
• boil, boiling point
• ebullient
• catchment
• ebulliometer, ebullioscope
• setting
• prime mover
• ebullience, ebulliency, ebullition
• ebullience, ebulliency
• light
• means
• resort, shot in the locker
• head of a river
• from the horse's mouth, straight from horse's mouth
• from a trustworthy source
• gusher
• from a trustworthy source, straight from horse's mouth
• I speak with inside knowledge