
Have you paid the dinner? = Kifizetted a vacsorát?

fizet jelentese magyarul

fizet angolul

fizet jelentése kifejezésekben

• to pay for, to stump up for sg
• to stand a round of drinks
• to stand a round of drinks
• to pay sy for sg
• to stand sy a drink
• to cost sy dearly
• to requite
• to keep sy out of his money
• to pay through the nose
• to plaster
• to pay one's entrance
• to make amends for sg
• to buy at high rate
• to requite with ingratitude
• to pay for sg at the door
• to pay for sg at the door
• to reinstate the contents of a parcel
• to reinstate the contents of a parcel
• to pay
• in full discharge, pd, pd.
• exhibition, fee, hire, pay, payment, salary, stipend