
• megfertőződik betegséggel: to catch
The cat caught the bird. = A macska elkapta a madarat.

elkap jelentese magyarul

elkap angolul

elkap jelentése kifejezésekben

• to catch hold of sy, to lay hold of sy, to take hold of sy
• to catch hold of sg, to lay hold of sg, to take hold of sg
• to snatch sg away from sy
• to snatch
• to scrag
• to conceit
• catch
• to be nabbed, to get pinched
• slap-dash
• to get caught by sy
• gotcha!
• sg has turned his brain
• to snap up
• something has turned his brain
• to seize sy by the slack of sy's trousers
• to catch up, to hoick, to pick up, to snap up, to snatch, to snatch up, to whip off, to wisp up
• hot, to be in request
• to up with sg
• to clamber up, to get on
• parvenu, upstart
• to snatch up