
• perky
• nem rossz gyerek ez, csak egy kicsit eleven: he is not a bad child, just a little lively
• eleven erő: living force
• eleven észjárás: quick mind
They looked alive. = Elevennek tűntek.
• elevenek és holtak: the quick and the dead
• az elevenébe vág vkinek: cut somebody to the quick, touch somebody to the quick

eleven jelentese magyarul

eleven angolul

eleven jelentése kifejezésekben

• living force
• quick
• quick mind, quick wits
• mercurial, quick of understanding
• living labour
• lilting metre
• green memories
• lilt
• quick mind, quick wits
• quick child
• within living memory
• alive and kicking
• to be full of devilry
• animatedly, briskly, vividly
• to animate
• animation, briskness, buoyancy, dash, go, pep, vivaciousness, vivacity, vividness
• viviparous
• to cut sy to the quick, to sting sy to the quick
• to flay alive
• to get home
• to hit home, to strike home