
The remote control battery is low. = Lemerült az elem a távirányítóban.

elem jelentese magyarul

elem angolul

elem jelentése kifejezésekben

• negative
• stopper
• life-blood
• booster battery
• prime
• dead cell
• weed
• sinker
• elemental, elementary, primary, rudimentary
• to abstract, to bone, to filch, to heist, to hook, to lift, to nab, to pilfer, to pull, to sneak, to swipe
• modular
• to analyse, to analyze, to anatomize, to assay, to construe, to dissect
• assay, dissection
• fiber, fibre, filament
• carbon
• sketchy knowledge
• partial wave
• common school, elementary school, grade school
• common honesty
• prime particle of soil
• first form