
• burn
• halottat: cremate, cremate corpse
• szemetet: incinerate, incinerate rubbish
• megperzselve: singe
• faszénné: char, char coal, make charcoal
Did you burn it? = Elégetted?

eget jelentése kifejezésekben

• whacking, whacking-great
• whacking lie
• huge
• out on the scran, to bum, to ponce
• to weigh
• to vegetate
• to waggle
• to discuss, to explicate, to reason, to unfold
• to abuse, to flout, to insult
• apologist
• dread, dreaded, dreadful
• boast, intimidation, menace, threat
• to blow glass
• to acquit, to comply with, to content, to fill, to fulfil, to fulfill, to grant, to gratify
• to apologize, to offer an apology
• apology
• to raise troops
• to amount
• to put on the invalid
• splodgy
• to drive, drove, driven