
• emberről: roughly, rudely, coarsely, grossly
• beszél: offensively, abusively
• kritizál: savagely, harshly, cruelly
• megközeltőleg: crudely, approximately
• durván őrölt: coarse ground
• durván megmunkál: rough down
• durván felkacag: give a harsh laugh
• durván 100 ember: approximately 100 people, roughly 100 people
He talked abusively. = Durván beszélt.

durván jelentése kifejezésekben

• to hack
• to rap
• to give the cold shoulder
• to spal
• to outrage
• to spal
• to haze
• rustic
• seconds
• to browbeat, browbeat, browbeaten, to manhandle, to maul
• to maul
• to commit an outrage against sy, to commit an outrage on sy
• to commit an outrage against sy, to commit an outrage on sy