

dagad jelentese magyarul

dagad angolul

dagad jelentése kifejezésekben

• to set in
• bloated, chuff, embossed, fatty, gummy, lardass, puffy, swollen
• surging, swelling, thin flank
• heave, heaving, swell, swelling
• turgidly
• bag
• chuff
• gross tonsils
• fat purse
• to bung
• to bag, to balloon, to belly out, to puff
• to bell out, to bloat, to heave, to heave, hove, to rise, rose, risen, to swell, swelled, swollen
• ballooning
• swollen
• bulging, swelling
• thin flank, thin flank of pork
• shiner
• his eye is bunged up
• mouse, mice
• her heart swelled exultantly
• her heart swelled exultantly