
• decide
• megoldást talál: settle, resolve
• eldönt valamit (fát, oszlopot): fall
Mary will have to decide in this question. = Ebben a kérdésben Mary-nek kell döntenie.

dönt jelentese magyarul

dönt angolul

dönt jelentése kifejezésekben

• to find for sy
• to decide for sg
• to pass upon sg
• to lumber
• to be on the hedge
• to blast, to frustrate, to ruin
• to cant
• to break a record
• to thwart
• to break a record
• to judge in the last resort
• to heel
• to knock into a cocked hat
• to beggar sy
• the post is in the gift of the minister
• conclusive, crucial, decisive, definitive, determinant, determinate, determinative, last, operative, peremptory, supreme
• adjudication, arbitrament, award, decision, determination, dispensation, judgement, judgment, resolution, resolve, ruling, say-so, verdict
• sockdolager
• armageddon
• acid test, crucial test
• say-so