

bizony jelentése kifejezésekben

• it's hard lines!
• so I am!
• assured, certain, clear, definite, particular, some, sure
• to prove, to prove, proved, proven
• to attest, to aver, to certify, to confirm, to demonstrate, to evidence, to evince, to infer, to manifest, to prove, to prove, proved, proven, to purport, to set out, to substantiate, to testify
• assurance, certitude, confidence, sureness
• to bear record to sg
• unproven
• in a sort, in a way, in some degree, in some measure, in some sort, partway, something, to a certain extent, to some degree, to some extent, within limits
• partway
• to be sure about sg
• precarious argument
• a certain number of persons, certain number of persons
• to display, to witness
• beyond a certain date
• to some extent
• partway
• in a sort, in some measure, in some sort, partway, something, to a certain extent
• to be clear about sg, to be clear as to sg
• to prove oneself to be sg
• in a way, in some ways