
Sarah proved that she was worth the prize. = Sarah bebizonyította, hogy érdemes a díjra.

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bizonyít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to bear record to sg
• demonstrative, evidentiary, justificatory
• demonstration, substantiation, verification
• evidence, exhibit, proof, substantiation, testimony, voucher
• proven
• bill, grade card, report, report card, school report, testimonial, warrant
• unproven
• demonstrably
• not proven
• to evidence
• rigidity of the proof
• evidential
• rigidity of the proof
• rigidity of the proof
• to give a proof of sg, to give proof of sg
• summing up
• graduation, graduation ceremony
• to get the goods on sy
• to impugn a piece of evidence
• to impugn a piece of evidence
• demonstrative, discursive