
• speak, talk
Don't speak too loud. = Ne beszélj túl hangosan.

beszél jelentese magyarul

beszél angolul

beszél jelentése kifejezésekben

• to talk about, to talk of sg, to tell about
• he speaks French and that very well
• to monologize
• to waste one's breath, to waste one's words, to waste words
• have a long tongue, to chin
• to rap
• to be slow of speech
• to talk on
• to articulate
• to talk turkey
• to reminisce
• to burble, to haver
• to run on
• to smatter
• to get on one's high horse, to ride one's high horse, to ride the high horse
• to bluster, to rant
• to haver
• he's only stuffing
• to talk claptrap
• to speak ill of sy
• to gesticulate