
• into, inwards
• belém kötött: he picked a quarrel with me
• belém szeretett: he fell in love with me
• nem telik bele egy év: a year will not have passed before
It flew into my eye! = Belerepült a szemembe!

bele jelentése kifejezésekben

• have a crush on sy, to be gone on sy, to be hooked on sy, to be nuts about, to be soft on sy
• to be hooked on sy
• to be hooked on sy
• to be hooked on sy
• to be bats about sg, to be bats over sg
• to be crazy about sy, to be gone on sy, to be ratty over sy, to be soft on sy
• to be bats about sg, to be bats over sg
• to be wired into sy
• to be hung up
• he had to grin a bear it
• smack, smack in the middle
• to be grossed out
• smack, smack in the middle
• smack, smack in the middle
• to barf sy out
• she goes for him in a big way
• to overshoot oneself
• to pull one's punches
• he is trailing his coat
• harm watch harm catch
• bowels, entrails, guts, innards, insides, intestines, inwards, riff, tripes, viscera