b jelentése kifejezésekben

• bean, beans
• amiss, bane, bother, complaint, disease, distress, evil, grief, hardship, harm, ills, malady, matter, misadventure, mischief, misery, misfortune, need, predicament, shit, shit city, shit street, shithouse, sore, trouble, unease, unpleasantness
• buck, dickey, dickey-seat, dicky, horse, tree, trestle
• left
• bar
• cocoon, dummy, marionett, marionette, puppet, tool
• allurement, blandishments, charm, grace
• although, as, bistro, gin mill, grocery, shebang, while
• baby, doll, dolly, poppet, puppet
• chew, chewing tobacco, fag, peanuts, plug, quid
• footsoldier, tommy, wobbler
• bloomer, blooper, boner, break, clinker, flub-up, slip-up, trip
• maul
• balder
• bank
• midwife, midwives
• marker, puppet
• bale
• to ail, to annoy, to chagrin, to discommode, to displease, to distress, to grieve, to injure, to jar, to maltreat, to offend, to outrage
• polka-dotted
• bay, laurel