
• that, which, it
I want that coat. = Én azt a kabátot akarom.

azt jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be indicative of sg
• there is a story afloat
• rumour has it
• none of that!
• rumour has it
• I think so
• he is supposed to
• to claim that
• it is said that
• he will have it that
• I have heard it said, I have heard tell, there's some talk of
• it has come to my ear that
• don't you think you may get it!, don't you wish you may get it!
• there is a whisper that
• I am inclined to think that
• that ought to do
• to jump out of one's skin
• to be at a loss what to do
• to go through the motions of sg
• to think no end of oneself
• there's no royal road to it