
• when, whenever
Do you remember the time when we were children? = Emlékszel, amikor még gyerekek voltunk?

amikor jelentése kifejezésekben

• when I was born
• at your convenience
• in the green tree
• when the spirit moves me
• when I shall be no more
• in the dry tree
• in my schooldays
• when the chips are down
• when it suits me
• when the band begins to play
• except when
• time was when
• like a stuck pig
• there comes a time when
• there comes a time when
• he went out just as I came in
• he went out just as I came in
• will you still be here when I return?
• the car gave a cant as we crossed the ditch
• by the time he arrived
• at one time, ever, in the days of long-ago, some time ago, sometime