
• that, which, what
Her style is what disturbs me. = A stílusa az, ami zavar.

ami jelentése kifejezésekben

• whatever
• cheese
• cheese
• cheese
• which is just as well
• as far as that goes, in so far, on this head
• which is just as well
• as far as I am concerned, as far as I'm concerned, as far as i'm concerned, as to myself, personally
• for all it is worth
• what is more
• in very deed
• as to myself
• the thing next my heart
• you will keep what is left over
• that's more than enough
• I've taken sg on myself which
• to give him his due
• I've taken sg on myself which
• to leave nothing undone that might help
• to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's
• to be a desultory reader