
• who, those who
It's the boys who like ballgames in this class. = Ebben az osztályban a fiúk azok, akik szeretik a labdajátékokat.

akik jelentése kifejezésekben

• both of whom
• our neighbours overhead
• all those who
• whom
• whom
• whereof
• to abide, to dwell, dwelt, to house, to inhabit, to live, to lodge, to range in, to reside, to room
• to bank up
• to gorge, to gorge oneself, to make good cheer, to regale oneself, to suffice
• home port
• to live in
• to be resident in a place
• to live by
• to eat to repletion
• he lives across the street
• to live round the corner
• to live out
• to live round the corner
• to live in rooms, to room
• to hive
• to live round the corner