
• live, inhabit
• dwell, reside
• megszáll valahol: stay somewhere, stop somewhere
• szállodában: stay at a hotel
• valakinél vagy valakivel lakik: live with somebody, lodge with somebody
My family lives in a flat. = A családom lakásban lakik.

lakik jelentese magyarul

lakik angolul

lakik jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be resident in a place
• to live in
• to live by
• to eat to repletion
• he lives across the street
• to live round the corner
• to live out
• to live round the corner
• to live in rooms, to room
• to hive
• to live round the corner
• to dig, dug
• to muck in with sy
• to live over the river
• to live over the river
• he lives across the street
• no one knows his whereabouts
• to bank up
• to gorge, to gorge oneself, to make good cheer, to regale oneself, to suffice