
• ozone
• ózonpajzs: ozone shield
She smelled the aroma of ozone. = Ózon illatát érezte.

özön jelentése kifejezésekben

• to crowd, to stream
• stream
• cataclysm, deluge, splurge
• plethora of sg
• deadness, detachment, ennui, frigidity, indifference, insensitivity, languidity, lethargy, phlegm, stolidity, unconcern
• rivers of blood
• cold, detached, indifferent, insensible, insensitive, languid, phlegmatic, stolid, unconcerned, uninterested, unsympathetic
• to pour in, to roll in, to stream in
• influx
• to pile out, to pour forth, to pour out, to stream out, to surge out
• base, coarse, common, garden-variety, insensible, low, normal, ordinary, plebeian, scummy, scurvied, vulgar
• apathetically, detachedly, stolidly, unconcernedly
• mint of trouble
• to press forward
• from time to time, now and then
• people at large, public at large
• legal year
• lack of refinement, ordinariness, vulgarism, vulgarity
• storm of abuse
• clientele
• the public at large