
• átvitt értelemben: touch, concern, touch on, touch upon, affect, hit
• fizikai értelemben: touch
This problem does not concern you. = Ez a probléma nem érint téged.
The dog didn't let me touch the wound. = A kutya nem engedte, hogy megérintsem a sebet.

érint jelentese magyarul

érint angolul

érint jelentése kifejezésekben

• to respect
• to tincture, to tinge
• to get under one's skin
• to call at a port, to touch at a port
• to nose, to nuzzle
• to osculate with a line
• to mouth
• to wing
• to be hard hit, to get home, to hit home, to strike home
• to offend
• to come home to sy, to go home to sy
• to be a kick in the ass
• to be a kick in the arse
• to bear hard on sy, to come hard on sy, to come home to sy, to cut sy to the quick, to get home on sy, to go home to sy, to sting sy to the quick
• to tread on delicate ground
• to tread on delicate ground
• to be a kick in the arse, to be a kick in the ass
• it is a very near concern of ours
• tangent
• tangential
• touch, twitch