mi angolul a szótárban

Összesen 681 jelentés felelt meg a keresésnek. mi angolul

A személyes névmások

én = I
te = you
ő = he(férfi) she(nő) it(semleges)

mi = we
ti = you
ők = they

mi képe

mi angolul
What can we do! = Mit csinálhatunk?


our, ours

mi jelentése kifejezésekben

mi az?

what is it?
what's on?

mi más

what else

mi baj?

what is it?

mi fáj?

what ails you?

mi mást

what else

mi több

what is more

mi van?

what is it?
what's up?

mi okból


mi a fene

what the blazes

mi bajod?

what's worrying you?

mi jogon?

by what right?

mi ketten

you and I

mi lelte?

what's bitten him?
what's got him?

mi okból?

on what account?
on what score?

mi által?


mi újság?

what news?
what's up?

mi a baja?

what's got him?
what's up with him?
what's wrong with him?

mi a manó!

by the holy poker!
cor blimey!

mi az ára?

how much is it?

mi célból?

what for?

mi haszna?

what's the use of?

mi vagyunk

we are

mi voltunk

we were

mi a csoda?

what next?

mi a célja?

what's his game?

mi a célod?

what are you aiming at?

mi a ménkű!

cor blimey!

mi az hogy!

not half!

mi az ördög

what the blazes

mi baj van?

what's up?

mi van itt?

what's up?

mi értelme?

what's the use of?

mi a teendő?

what is to be done?
what to do?

mi az neked?

what is it to you?

mi az ördög!

by the holy poker!

mi baja van?

what's got him?

mi történik?

what's going down?
what's on?

mi van vele?

what's got him?
what's up with him?

mi bajod van?

what ails you?
what's amiss with you?

mi is a neve?

what is his name again?