bukik angolul a szótárban

Összesen 47 jelentés felelt meg a keresésnek. bukik angolul

bukik jelentése kifejezésekben


she goes for him in a big way

bukik vkire

to go for sy

bukik vmire

to be sucker for sg

előre bukik

to pitch

rajta áll vagy bukik a csapat

he is the pivot of the team


to be ploughed
to fall, fell, fallen
to get ploughed


to be nabbed
to dip
to dive
to dive, dove, dived
to get the collar
to precipitate
to sink, sank, sunk
to turn turtle


to tumble over


to dive
to dive, dove, dived
to duck
to sub


to fall over
to topple
to tumble over


to be plucked
to become bankrupt
to bust
to fail
to fail in an examination
to fall flat
to flop
to flunk
to go phut
to skew
to slip up
to turn out crabs

bukik vmire

to pick up on sg

csúfosan megbukik

to be a dud

elbukik siettében

to fall over oneself

választáson megbukik

to row up salt river