
• Estonian

észt jelentése kifejezésekben

• Esthonian, Estonian
• Esthonian, Estonian
• beyond reason
• Esthonia, Estonia
• lime cream, lime milk, slack lime, slacked lime, slaked lime, white lime
• compelling, motivational
• on the other hand
• to consume, to eat up, to mop up, to swallow
• to make away with
• to digest, to stomach
• raiser
• polyester
• to assist, to attend, to bear a hand, to enter into, to partake, partook, partaken, to participate, to play a part, to wade in
• sawmill
• cultural
• sg is preying on his mind
• calcareous, calcariferous
• digestive tract, inside
• cannelloni
• something is preying on his mind
• animal husbandry, stock-raising