Az árja a címszó ragozott alakja.


• anyagi érték: price
• áradás: flood, deluge
What's the price of this cheese? = Mi ennek a sajtnak az ára?

árja jelentése kifejezésekben

• whirl of pleasures
• whirl of pleasures
• to be passably good
• has no match, have no match, there is nothing like sg
• it's all up with him, to be on one's last legs, to near one's end
• companion, doublet, fellow, inlet, match, parallel, without parallel
• magistrate's cassock
• according to hearsay
• to bring up the rear
• to break up
• shades
• companion, eduction, fellow, inlet, parallel, parallelogram, without parallel
• to become expansive
• to be on the hike
• to sit out
• to run off one's leg
• to be all agog to
• to make the circuit of the town
• to shop
• to walk the streets
• to fling the door open, to throw open the door